Kingdom® Super Interior Primer – 25 kg

Product Description:
An acrylic Co-polymer-based Alkali resistance interior primer that provides excellent adhesion to the subsequent coats.

It has excellent surface adhesion and has good penetrating properties. It provides an excellent base for subsequent coats.

Recommended use & Substrate:
Ideal priming for interior substrates like concrete, cement plaster, gypsum board partition, etc.

Color: White


  5 kg    25 kg 

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Product Details

About Kingdom® Super Interior Primer - 25 kg

Kingdom Super Interior Primer is an acrylic Co-polymer-based Alkali resistance interior primer that provides excellent adhesion to the subsequent coats and has good penetrating properties. It provides an excellent base for subsequent coats. Ideal priming for interior substrates like concrete, cement plaster, gypsum board partition, etc.


Technical Data Sheet      ورقة البيانات التقنية

Optional Colors:

Kingdom® Color Cards